Sunday 28 November 2021

Level 1 Physical Education: Renegade Hockey Reflection

 Today I would give myself a 5/5 for effort and participation in this training because I believe I participated fully in the lessons activities and tried my hardest to improve the skills I have developed. As far as skill progression is involved, I would give myself a 1/5 for development and performance- not to downgrade or downplay my efforts, I simply believe that recognizing the potential for improvement is one of the keys to success in sport. We have also only scratched the surface of renegade hockey, learning the fundamental basic skills needed to be able to play effectively. I can’t wait to see how much I am able to improve myself in this sport, even in the short amount of time that we have. 

Although we were not given a name, our team worked hard to communicate in the short time we had to play. It was our first chance to practice the skills we had developed in a ‘game’ environment. It was interesting to see how much we retained, and how much was disregarded the moment we were put in a slightly more competitive situation. I believe that there is a difference between being able to effectively perform the skills in a controlled setting, and being able to perform the skills in a game. If we are able to semi-master this by the end of this short unit, it will be a big improvement both in our ability as team players and in our own individual selves. 

I’m proud that I improved my ability to trap and dribble the ball, as both of these are essential skills when playing the game. It also showed the improvement in my hand-eye coordination ability over these past two lessons, which as I mentioned earlier, is one of the factors I want to improve in this unit. I also feel that any opportunity to test and strengthen your teaching and leadership skills is important- these opportunities are enabled by the peer coaching system of learning we undertake in this class. I feel that ‘practice makes perfect,’ and I am proud that I am able to test myself each time I make an effort to teach other people about a particular skill. As important as that factor is, it is also equally important to be an effective listener and I believe that my desire to achieve as much as I can in the short space of time is driving my ability to make the most of the information I am given. I also scored a goal, which is a once in a blue moon occurrence so I was very proud of that. 

Something I found challenging was working in a team- however, just because it is challenging does not mean that I did not enjoy it. I believe that working with other people is always going to test your abilities both to communicate and work as one with other people. I participate in mostly individual sports- swimming and running- so getting the chance to work in a team is both challenging and fun. Getting to witness how other people operate, sharing victory… and loss, building ties- a team environment is both a place where you can be pushed, capability wise, and improve knowing that you are not only improving as an individual but as a team. This is why I would say that, although this is what challenged me the most, it was also the aspect of our learning today that I found the most enjoyable. 


  1. Kia ora Lilly
    Thank you for devoting considered thinking to reflecting about your experiences in Jump Start level 1 PHE. A major objective is for me to learn about you and every member of this new class and your reflection gives me that insight. Another objective is to enable you to interact purposefully together and to learn that by combining your individual strengths and attitudes you can uplift one another,deepen engagement and achievement -even have fun. I'm so pleased you bring your many strengths to this class and look forward to working with you over 2022. I'd just like you to 'give yourself a break' regarding skill development. When you are learning new motor skills, all learners start at the cognitive stage -google what indicators are for this stage, how a learner shifts to the associative stage and beyond.

  2. Kia Ora Lilly, this review is very detailed with your own opinion. Your perception for detail is described through your review. I agree that dribbling and trapping the ball are essential for the game and am happy that you are improving your skills. It is good to see your more precise view on the game and I agree that practice makes perfect. From what I have seen you are very open to other people's opinions and tips. You are an energetic player who loves to get amongst the movement. Excellent review and continue to be an observant player.
    Whare Ware hard!!

  3. Kia Ora Lilly!
    I thoroughly enjoyed reviewing your reflection on the Jump Start level 1 PHE. I'm very fond of your ability to articulate your thoughts and ideas with the use of high-level, advanced vocabulary. "We have also only scratched the surface of renegade hockey, learning the fundamental basic skills needed to be able to play effectively. I can’t wait to see how much I am able to improve myself in this sport, even in the short amount of time that we have." This quote enabled me to establish a strong connection between you and I. This quote highlights your ambition and attitude towards the PE unit. Continue to produce outstanding work that exceed expectation.
